Friday, July 31, 2009

Japan Part II and an Update

Whoa sorry for not posting in a while!
I guess everyone is caught up with summer yes?
(as for me, new boyfriend is to blame)

Here are some pictures of a few items I bought in Japan~
Sorry for the weird picture sizes!
I don't have good pictures of my cocolulu haul, those to show up randomly later

High heel sneakers from charmant. JSG t-shirt

(first face photo oh no!)
Biker jacket from cecil mcbee, long tunic from gilfy and some really long lashes I bought in a store in my hotel lolol


Sorry for such a short post, I've been so busy with work lately!
The boyfriend and I are planning to live as koreans for a day.
Perhaps I'll have some pictures of our adventure soon!
Any suggestions?


  1. HAHA... live as koreans for the day??
    Intresting !

    Are you half && half ??

  2. lolol I'm half japanese. he gets confused as korean a lot (he's chinese-vietnamese)

  3. wow awesome purchases!
    live an koreans for a day? maybe eat korean food, dress very trendy, and speak korean? hehe i don't know what else. ><

  4. Charmant!! Great store XD! I love the sneakers you got there, very nice!
